Changing the Number of Periods for the Production of T4 and RL-1 Slips

Setting the Context

The government authorities ask that the last payroll period displayed on end-of-the-year declarations (T4 and RL-1) includes the date of payment to the employee. Namely, if the payroll of a week ending on December 28th is deposited the next week on January 2nd, it should not be inlcuded in the current year's end-of-the-year declaration. However, if it is deposited before the start of the new year, it should be included.

It is therefore, in certaine cases, necessary to change the period end-of-the-year date for the production of T4 and RL-1 slips. This How To features the necessary steps to do so.






maestro* > Maintenance > General Maintenance > Period > Reopen a Pay Period


Changing Payroll Periods when the next Fiscal Year is not yet Open

  1. In the Open Years grid of the Reopen a Pay Period window, select the ongoing year for the desired committee.
  2. Enter the desired number of payroll periods in the Number of Periods field, of the Selected year detail section.
  3. Enter the new end of year date in the End of year field.
  4. Click on the Save icon.

Warning! If the user clicks on the Apply icon, maestro* will freeze since it cannot make its calculation if there are closed periods in the current year.

  1. Repeat the preceding steps for all impacted committees.


Changing Payroll Periods when the next Fiscal Year is Already Open

  1. Firstly, delete the upcoming year for the concerned committee.
  2. Repeat steps 1 through 5 as they appear above.
  3. Finally, recreate the upcoming year (previously deleted).

It is suggested to consider deposit dates in advance when creating the new year, so as to not have to repeat the same manipulations each end of year.


See also


Last modification: September 19, 2024